Ok I have gotten a lot of hate lately for being the worst blog updater ever. I apologize because it is 100% TRUE. Anyway, here is shelly's last letter in its entirety. Long but great. Almost 5 months! yesssssssss.
I had my interview with President Sloan (we have one every 6 weeks), and he told me he wants me to train. My companion is leaving on November 5th, and he wants me to train a new missionary. I couldn´t believe it! I don´t know what he´s thinking. He says he trusts me, and that I have a good work ethic. I feel that I can do it, but I just feel so inadequate. I really would love the opportunity to do it, and I know that I would learn a ton. It is nerve-racking because I feel better and better every day about Spanish, but there are still a lot of details that I miss, and some entire conversations I miss. I know President Sloan is inspired, and I reall will do whatever he asks me. But really!? I was shocked. I don´t know I feel overwhelmed, loved, despair, hope, many emotions. But every time I think about it I feel the Spirit. So, I know it will be a good experience. I just need your prayers, eh?, eh?
It is still not for sure because he had forgotten that I was going to travel to give flu shots this change (6 week transfer). So he is pondering about what should happen and I am waiting anxiously and realizing that my companion is leaving and I´m going to have to step up and lead lessons, learn how to teach better :), etc. You wanna know what I´ve thought several times though? If 19 year old boys can do it, I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. Is that bad?
So, we won´t be having Baptisms on Halloween. Teresa and David have to get baptized the following week because come to find out Teresa is married to another man! She hasn´t been with him for 8 years, and she has been trying to get a divorce for 8 months. But he won´t sign the papers because he doesn´t want to pay for the kids. We are working on this. We need a divorce and a marriage before we can have a baptism...but they are still open and receptive and I loooove teaching them. It is amazing. They also need a job because David broke his arm and is out of work. It has really helped them be humble and we´ve talked a ton about faith through trials. It´s interesting how the Lord prepares people, and then tests our faith.
The other thing is that my companion got sick, we didn´t have light for a couple days, there was one day when we were wet the entire day! And we had so many meetings that i felt like we were wasting time and hardly taught at all. But that was just a quick venting session, don´t worry I´m fine! I had to give a spiritual thought in Zone Conference about faith to complete with the standards of the mission. Or the goals we have. I felt weird doing it because we have not completed with the goal for baptisms. Sometimes I feel really bad about that. But I told about a day when we tuaght 12 lessons in one day. It was amazing. We had a focus like never before. We prayed all day long, we were unified, and we ran from appointment to appointment. I knew our numbers were down, and I felt such a strong determination to do better. It was a special day in my mission. I really want to be able to bring more people into the waters of baptism. Every day I have to overcome my own fear and rely on the Spirit to talk to people. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I love it with all my heart. The Gospel brings happiness to families.
I love you all! Thank you Mom and Dad for your example, and all of you for your love. Vive Ecuador!!!!
Back from the dead
11 years ago