Hola Familia,
New Year{s in Ecuador is interesting. They burn ¨año viejo¨, which means old year. They choose a dummy and burn it. For example, I saw Michael Jackson for sale, the President of Ecuador, the Hulk, an X-MEN, I think it was wolverine. Anyway, you buy the dummy and then you burn it. Another thing they do, is the men dress up like women and go out in the streets and ask for money. This I am still trying to figure out the meaning...They call them ¨widows¨, but it still doesn{t make sense to me. We had to be in the house at 4:00, and as we rode in the Taxi to the house I was glad. Many widows walked up to the car asking for money. IT was weird. but anyway, we made noodles with sauce that had hot dogs in it...haha. I kept thinking, this is how I know I am turning Ecuadorian. But it was actually really good?...Peppers, onions, tomato sauce, potatoes and hot dogs. Over noodles. I know, it sounds disgusting. Anyway, we took it up on the roof and watched the airplanes land and take off. It was fun. Then we ate Chocolate ice cream with bananas! Rico! Then we studied, cleaned, planned, and went to bed. At midnight I heard a lot of popping but I could not get myself to wake up...the next day the senior missionaries told me they had never seen so many fireworks in their life. Oh well.
Although the customs are a bit weird, they have a little festival that seemed fun. Anyway, if you ever want to have an interesting Nwe Year{s eve, come to Ecuador, but not as a missionary:)
Ok, on to more important things. We are having a Baptism this week! Nicole Cevallos, the daughter of Teresa turns 8 today, so she is getting baptised! As well as Joao the son of Lourdes. Lourdes is doubtful, well not doubtful, but she just thinks it{s too soon. She lives every commandment, and she even asked me if she could pay a fast offering yesterday! Can you believe that? She paid fast offering. And she wants to wait to get baptised! ah. I know she will, the question is just when. We really are hoping she will get baptised this Saturday along with her hijo (son).
Teresa still hasn{t gotten the papers of her divorce, but her ¨companion¨we{ll call him, David, is awesome. When we first started teaching them he didn{t really understand very well the scriptures. Now, he gets everything and teaches with us to Nicole about all the commandments. He{s only 19 years old, but he{s raising these 3 kids of Teresa{s. He WILL NOT let her work, because he wants to provide for them, and let her stay at home. The Priesthood is really including him and treating him as one of their own. Now we just need the Relief Society to rally around Teresa. She is strong, but as President Hinckley and others have said, every convert needs a friend.
What other things can I tell you? We{re going to have a birthday party for Nicole today. Oh my goodness she is so cute. I wish you all could meet her! She just melts my heart, along with her little brother Saoul who can{t say his s{s, and is a little chubby one. Oh my goodness they are the cutest kids in the world. Well, right behind all my nieces and nephews. Speaking of them, can all of you tell all of them that I love them? Gracias!
Anyway. the mission is so good. It is hard, that{s for sure. But I am so amazed how much I learn every day, and how much I love to study the Gospel. An hour every day is nothing. There{s so much to know! I{m grateful for this chance to study like never before. Pray for me to have faith to find new investigators! That is what we need right now, we have talked with many many people, but this week have not found many that want to listen. We need more faith.
Oh, if you want something good to read. Elder Uchtdorf{s talk called ¨The Love of God¨, from this conference. It is unbelievable. Read it, you will feel happy.
Love you all! Happy new year.
-Hermana G
The first one is on Christmas. Do you like my Christmas outfit? That was when we were out delivering clothes. There is that cow always there, and it is so funny to me. Finally I took a picture. Anyway. Can you get a feel for the hills we walk? They are barbaro.
The other is with Esthela, Gloria and Omar, those que baptized in November. The members painted their house and brought them food, it made me cry.